Mobile Game Centre

The joy of play is for everyone - that's what the Mobile Play Centre makes possible.

We are continuing the project we started earlier thanks to the European Programme for Integration and Migration and the International Child Development Initiative (ICDI). Using the TOY4Inclusion (Playing for Inclusion) methodology developed by ICDI, we regularly visit the Gyáli út and Zugligeti út refugee shelters, where Hungarian-speaking Roma families who are refugees from Ukraine live. Twice a week, the car brings the joy and developmental effects of free and facilitated play to both sites with the help of a skilled coordinator.  


Who we work with, who we work for:

Refugee young children (and their parents) living in refugee shelters with limited access to toys due to their restricted living space have fewer sources of pleasure and experience than most children.


This is what we have done in our programme:

  • We made regular visits to the Gyáli Road and Zugligeti Road shelters, and our trained facilitator provided play sessions for the children. There are structured and unstructured games: we can play with puzzles, string beads, play football, badminton, board games, listen to stories, and everyone from the little ones to the big ones can find a game to play in the car.
  • The sessions were designed and developed together with university students.
  • We're working out how the car can generate a profit, which we can then reinvest in the work we do in refugee shelters to fund our non-profit work. To do this, we welcome invitations to set up at family days, district events, kindergartens, schools, for a fee. Contact: Ivett Kovács,


Duration of the project: 



That's how the world is a better place, thanks to the programme:

  • The children could count on the play centre regularly, with the car arriving with Uncle Matyi and lots of toys tailored to them.
  • The development of young children's skills and experiences, the enhancement of the role of play in families, and the spending of quality time together between children and parents could be achieved on a regular basis.
  • We have promoted the social integration of young refugee children through external programmes.
  • Through external events and listeners, the car and its purpose gained wider visibility, which could sensitize society towards vulnerable social groups, assistance, Ukrainian refugees .

A research on the operation, impact and results of the Mobile Play Library, supported by UNICEF and the Budapest Social Public Foundation, can be found here:

JÁTÉKTÁR research report

Or you can check out what the Mobile Play Library is all about here - feel free to recommend it to your friends!

Mobile game library_word_leaflet_magyar 

The professional partners involved in the project: 

donor: EPIM, methodology and M&E: ICDI 


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