Workshops for teachers

We are often invited to work in kindergartens on non-education days or in schools on the working days before the start of the school year, as our three-hour workshops provide the kindergarten and school community with new practical knowledge and community experience.

Step by step programme

Today, in 20 countries across Central and Eastern Europe and Asia, Step by Step is a programme of educational institutions that empowers children to become productive and creative members of a democratic society through effective and active learning. Learn more about the programme and take part in our accredited teacher training courses!

Conflict management techniques in school

Effective conflict management in schools - how? Our training in mediation and restorative practices gives educators state-of-the-art tools to deal with student-student, parent-educator or teacher-teacher disagreements.

Mediator training

As conflict management professionals, we need to keep our knowledge up to date in order to be able to support our clients effectively. This is also supported by the Mediation Act: to remain on the Ministry of Justice's mediator register as a mediator, we need to accumulate 50 points every 5 years.