She is the professional leader of REYN (Roma Early Childhood Network), which was born under the wing of Partners Hungary Foundation. The network brings together professionals working in the field of education, upbringing, development and treatment of young Roma children. In addition, she is the national representative of the Persona Doll Sensitizing Method of Kindergarten Education. She believes that the development of professionals is essential for improving the daily lives of disadvantaged children. "I believe that, from a professional [...]

Born under the wings of the Partners Hungary Foundation REYN (Roma Early Years Network) professional manager. The network brings together professionals working in the education, upbringing, development and treatment of young Roma children. In addition, Persona Doll is the national representative of the sensitizing preschool pedagogical method. She believes that the development of professionals is essential for improving the daily lives of disadvantaged children.
"I believe that everyone, regardless of profession, needs to improve, but this is especially true in a field where everyday life is difficult."