Recommended literature
A complex recommended reading list, with different aspects and settings of conflict resolution: divorce, psychology, communication, educational institutions - for mediators and those interested in conflict resolution
A complex recommended reading list, with different aspects and settings of conflict resolution: divorce, psychology, communication, educational institutions - for mediators and those interested in conflict resolution
It's not enough for members of an organisation to know their goals, they also need to build the road to get there. An effective tool for this is a facilitated meeting led by a trained facilitator.
According to the IRM Decree 69/2009 (XII. 17.) on the professional training and further training of mediators, the Ministry of Justice requires training for admission to the mediator register from January 2010.
A mediator is an impartial and neutral outside professional who helps parties who are stuck in conflict to work out their own solutions. The mediator keeps the conversation on track, sequencing the issues raised by the participants, summarising what they have heard, looking for the needs and real interests of the participants behind the complaints and bringing them out into the open.
As conflict management professionals, we need to keep our knowledge up to date in order to be able to support our clients effectively. This is also supported by the Mediation Act: to remain on the Ministry of Justice's mediator register as a mediator, we need to accumulate 50 points every 5 years.
A mediator is a specialist in conflict resolution. Our practice-oriented mediator training introduces you to the alternative dispute resolution method. Through experiential learning, participants gain first-hand experience of the method, their own areas for improvement and their strengths.