Mediation conference: the best interests of the child in family and divorce mediation
Start time
Event location
House of Masters and Methods
The Partners Hungary Foundation, which will turn 30 in 2025, is organising a new mediation working group focusing on best interests of the child in family and divorce mediation. The "best interests of the child", the "best interests of the child", appears in several places in national and international legislation. This issue is of particular importance in the context of parent divorce.
This is also the focus of our spring conference.
The working group and the conference will bring together professionals from different fields (mediators, child psychologists, lawyers, social and child protection professionals) to explore with professional arguments what can we say about:
- what is surely the best interests of the child,
- how can it to appear on the family and divorce in the mediation process,
- how you can do this represent the mediator,
- what could be your role in this to another professionalwho may be involved in the process at the request of the parties?
As a result of the work of the working group, we would like to resolution to publish a position paper on the best interests of the child and the above dilemmas, which the members of the working group will adopt and hopefully can help mediators in their daily work.
The conference will present the work of the working group, its objectives, its achievements so far, and the presentations and workshops framework, together with our participants want to go deeper into the subject.
The planned programme of the conference:
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome address by Krisztina Kukity and János Wagner mediators - Partners Hungary Foundation
The best interests of the child in family and divorce mediation - Experts' opinions:
09:10- 09:40 Szilvia Gyurkó - child protection specialist, Hintalovon Foundation
09:40 - 10:10 Dr. Mária Lubinszki - Psychologist, University of Miskolc
10:10 - 10:40 Facilitated small-group exchange of experiences based on questions from the speakers
10:40 - 11:00 SYNET
11:00 - 11:25 Presentation of the work of the working group so far, its objectives -
Krisztina Kukity, János Wagner - -PHA
Mediators' experiences: how are the child's interests reflected in mediation?
11:25 - 11:55 Lajos Doma - mediator, Pécs, ECSGYK
11:55 - 12:20 Enikő Erdő, lawyer, mediator, psychology student
12:20 - 12:45 Facilitated small group exchange along the lectures
12:45 - 13:00 Closure, feedback
The fee for attending the event is: gross 22.500 Ft for both in-person and online participation.
Participants in person for the price includes the professional programme, the refreshments during the coffee break, for online participants for and the technical background.
It's worth attending in person, because after the conference you can professional networking an at the cost of a communal lunch.
Venue: House of Masters and Methods (MEMO), 1077 Budapest, Wesselényi u. 73.
For registered mediators, participation in the conference is eligible for continuing training points in the continuing training points system.
10 points will be awarded for participation in the event.
For online participants, certificates will be sent by post based on the registration.
Limited number of places, so we can offer space on a first come, first served basis.