Mediation module 3 - flexible dates until the end of 2025, also online!



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If you have already completed Mediation 1 and 2 with us or elsewhere and would like to complete your training and become a mediator, join us for a simulated case study!

Practice-oriented, completion of the qualification required to obtain the qualification during our mediation training, participants simulation exercise to test their skills and get personalised feedback from our trainers.

Our foundation  30 years of experience, taking advantage of the opportunities available in Hungary and taking into account the legal regulations, has developed a modular programme for training professionals and future mediators interested in mediation. After completing the final module of the training, the participant receives a certificate which allows him/her to apply for the national list of mediators (provided he/she meets other conditions set by the Ministry of Justice).

Haven't completed the first two modules yet or want to repeat them? Check out our upcoming courses at Our events under the menu item!

What happens in the Mediation 3 simulated case study?

  • We spend 2.5-3 hours together, online or offline, at a flexible, individually agreed time.
  • A Partnerses tréningeken megszokott szimulált esetgyakorlatban mediálhatsz. Ez egy jó gyakorlási lehetőség, ahol részletes visszajelzést kapsz az „ügyfelektől” és a kiképzőtől.
  • If you wish, we can also do a little repetition at the beginning, where we go through the possible tools of the mediator, stage by stage, tailored to the case.

„Ügyfelek” jelentkezését is várjuk, akik nálunk végezték az első két modult, és szeretnének benne maradni a mediációs keringésben, akkor is, ha még nem kezdték el mediációs tevékenységüket. A tréningünkön tapasztaltakhoz hasonlóan, szereplap alapján kell belehelyezkedniük egy-egy ügyfél bőrébe, lehetőséget hagyva a mediátornak a gyakorlásra.

What do I get from these three hours?

  • A completely realistic, yet safe, no-stakes situation, where the participant has to act as a mediator for an hour and a half, experiencing what "deep water" is like.
  • A safe, accepting learning environment, opportunities for development in the mediation profession, personalised feedback and support.
  • Our Foundation's experts are highly experienced trainers: they have participated in several university courses.
  • We work with real cases from practice, so you will learn about real, professionally challenging cases that you will encounter in your daily practice when you start mediating.
  • Our Foundation is a member of the Partners Global network, so in addition to our domestic experience, we also provide international experience.

How much does it cost?

The price of the Mediation 3 module 65.000 HUF

The trainers are Flóra Bacsó, Kriszta Kukity, János Wagner

Where can I apply?

Email us at We also welcome your mail if you are still unsure or have any questions.


Register now:

Registration: Quantity Unit price:
Participation fee


2 elérhető
65 000 Ft
Quantity Total:
Összes lehetséges résztvevő 3 elérhető 2
  • Thököly ut 116
  • Budapest
  • Please select a region, state or province.
  • 1146
  • Hungary

Event date details

  • 2025-12-10 14:00 17:00
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